Corporate Social Responsibility

At Hutchison Ports Pakistan, we believe in taking responsibility for our impacts on the environment and on our local community. We have taken a number of steps to ensure socially responsible operations.

The terminal uses the most modern technology and equipment. Latest-technology hybrid rubber-tire gantry cranes (RTGCs) have been imported especially to ensure efficient use of fuel and energy. We’ve included solar energy in our energy mix, to provide electricity for all lighting in our three main, multi-storey buildings.

Furthermore, we have installed a regenerative power absorption system (RPAS) so that power generated through crane operations can be used. While the cranes use energy when lifting containers, they actually generate energy while lowering containers (up to 70% of energy used for lifting is regenerated).


Keeping in mind the power shortages prevailing in the country right now, Hutchison Ports Pakistan has installed a captive power generation system that provides all the electrical power needed without drawing on the national grid. Hutchison Ports Pakistan’s own power generation combined with the RPAS will achieve a reduction in overall fuel consumption.

In addition to the above, systems like reverse osmosis filtration are installed at the terminal to provide potable water with the least environmental impact.

Go Green

Go Green is part of a global environmental initiative undertaken by members of the international ports and maritime community. Under the current program, Hutchison Ports’ employees demonstrated their support for environmental protection through various activities. For more information on our global Go Green initiative, please visit


Our port has also launched a tree plantation drive. Our employees planted 300 saplings within and outside the boundary of terminal. This drive was formally launched by General Manager and Business Unit Head Captain Syed Rashid Jamil. The activity was a small part of Hutchison Ports Pakistan’s larger plan to contribute to and play an active role in making Pakistan a greener and healthier country.

Go Green


  1. Scope 1 Emissions (tonne CO2e) is the GHG emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the port.
  2. Scope 2 Emissions (tonne CO2e) is the GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heat and cooling.
  3. Carbon Intensity (kg CO2e/TEU), is the total of Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG Emissions divided by the port’s annual throughput.
  4. The emission factors applied for the calculation of Scope 1 are adopted from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (UK).
  5. The emission factors applied for the calculation of Scope 2 GHG Emissions are adopted from the International Energy Agency.